
Soft Furnishing Fabrics – Khadi

This fabric is not solely about the fabric itself, it's about a movement which uses hand-woven and hand-spun cloth from India and Pakistan. The material used to make Khadi include cotton, silk and wool which are spun into a thread using a charkha spinning wheel. As the fabric is cruder in form than other natural materials it wrinkles easier than other types of cotton; to improve the overall look khadi is often starched to give it more body and substance. The fabric is versatile and renowned for its ability to keep people cool in the Summer and Warm in the Winter.

Khadi is typically used for making clothing, however, if you want to only use natural raw materials and fabrics which are hand-made it would be possible to use khadi for lightweight soft furnishings projects; if the starched version of the cloth is used it would be possible to use it as a fabric covering for walls in place of wallpaper.

Image: verseguru

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